Following are some helpful links to organizations we support and believe in. Please visit and see for yourself what God is able to accomplish through our combined efforts!
Grand Valley Baptist Association is working to be a fellowship of churches in cooperation with all Southern Baptist Convention entities to strengthen existing churches and grow new churches by creating community, uniting our resources, communicating with one another, keeping one another accountable and maturing one another in Christ. Churches in the Association are cooperating together to reach the lost through prayer, evangelism, discipleship, ministry, worship, and fellowship.
… eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the Baptist denomination of Christians, for the propagation of the gospel, any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Colorado Baptist General Convention is saturating Colorado with the Gospel — penetrating all pockets of lostness.
Colorado Southern Baptists see a day when:
All people worship the Most High God.
All pockets of lostness are penetrated and Colorado is saturated with the Gospel.
All people passing through Colorado have opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.
All churches experience increased baptisms, membership and leadership development.
All churches multiply exponentially.
All churches engage in missions each year.